Barbara Christy has been chosen as Greensboro Lawyer of the Year in the area of Real Estate Law. She has been named to the Best Lawyers listing since 2005 in the area of Real Estate Law.
Doris Bray has been chosen as Greensboro Lawyer of the Year in the area of Corporate Law. She has been named to the Best Lawyers listing since 1989 in the areas of Corporate Law, Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Securities/Capital Markets Law and Securities Regulation.
After more than a quarter of a century in publication, Best Lawyers designates “Lawyers of the Year” in high-profile legal specialties in large legal communities. Only a single lawyer in each specialty in each community is being honored as the “Lawyer of the Year.”
The lawyers being honored as “Lawyers of the Year” have received particularly high rating in The Best Lawyers’ survey by earning a high level of respect among their peers for their abilities, professionalism, and integrity.